


Welcome To Ilham Wahyudin Page

It's my Social Account

And it's my Email

Responsive image

Happy Birthday {{viewData.nama}}

Personal PROFILE








Responsive image


Example Design PIN

{{d.label}} {{d.labelb}}



{{d.brandb}} {{d.brand}}


1 Problem Analyzing

Analyzing User Interface and solving it if there is a problem in layout and responsiveness, because it can be bad for the user experience.

Responsive image

Responsive image

2 Wireframing

Creating new layout using Low-Fidelity design as a Blueprint sample layout structure.

3 Assets Selection

Create, collecting, and grouping the assets, like a image, icon, color based, font style, etc.

Responsive image

Responsive image

4 Transform To Code

Transform Mockup or Wireframe to code using UI Framework like a Bootstrap, Materialize, Bulma, etc.

5 Beta Testing

After developing using code, then i'm testing this code based prototype to user for get feedback, and report if find bug in interface.

Responsive image

Responsive image

6 Finish and Goals

Get a reward after finishing this design.

Work Using THIS
